I'm new to Oracle ( we are using 10g ) and have just recently ventured into RMAN backups, which work great, weve done a restore and it restored perfectly, at present we just do a full RMAN online backup every night to disk which is then in turn backed upto tape as part of the full nightly server backup ( maybe there is a better way to do this, but this method works well for us )
As part of the initial RMAN setup I configured channel 1 for type disk and gave it a path to store the backups, this works fine, but now we would like to do a 'Month End' backup of the database and store it on a seperate tape so we can store it off site.
To do this i would ideally like to backup this monthly backup to a different directory on the server, then back this up to tape.
My question is can I ( as part of the backup script ) configure this, just for the monthly backup? below are the scripts I use for the Full Daily Backup.
Do i just need to add:
set channel 1 device type disk format 'path to backup directory'?
Then this will just set the destination for this backup only? or is there something else I need to do?
Thanks in advance,
I'm new to Oracle ( we are using 10g ) and have just recently ventured into RMAN backups, which work great, weve done a restore and it restored perfectly, at present we just do a full RMAN online backup every night to disk which is then in turn backed upto tape as part of the full nightly server backup ( maybe there is a better way to do this, but this method works well for us )
As part of the initial RMAN setup I configured channel 1 for type disk and gave it a path to store the backups, this works fine, but now we would like to do a 'Month End' backup of the database and store it on a seperate tape so we can store it off site.
To do this i would ideally like to backup this monthly backup to a different directory on the server, then back this up to tape.
My question is can I ( as part of the backup script ) configure this, just for the monthly backup? below are the scripts I use for the Full Daily Backup.
REM **** RMAN full oracle backup of DB_NAME ****
set output=d:\oracle_backup\logs
set logfile=d:\oracle_backup\logs\backup_DB_NAME.log
c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\rman target user/pass@db_name @d:\oracle_backup\script\full_backup.sql > %logfile% 2>&1
namedate /TXYZ:"dmY-H-M-S" %logfile%
run { backup device type disk tag 'WholeDB_Daily_Backup_DB' database;
sql 'alter system archive log current';
backup device type disk tag 'Daily_Archive_Backup' archivelog all not backed up;
delete noprompt archivelog until time 'sysdate -2' backed up 1 times to device type disk;
delete noprompt obsolete device type disk;
Do i just need to add:
set channel 1 device type disk format 'path to backup directory'?
Then this will just set the destination for this backup only? or is there something else I need to do?
Thanks in advance,