Can anyone explain why a few years back, Nortel added the Norstar/BCM Feature *6 ringtones to the CS1000 software, but didn't add the 4 Meridian 1/CS1000 (Ring tones 5-8 on CS1000 programming) ring tones to the BCM software? In an office where 20 BCM phones are clustered together, the 8 ring tones would be VERY helpful in distinguishing one person's phone from another. It would be even more helpful in an office where the BCM450 is installed where multiple phones are sometimes arranged into a call center arrangement or large 300 phone deployment.
Also the Call Buzz Tone only works on the CS1000 phones and not the BCM. It's quite annoying when you are on another call, especially a headset call and the phone keeps ringing in the background, instead of giving just the quick Call Buzz tone you receive on a CS1000 setup. Headset calls would be greatly improved on the BCM if the Call Buzz could be implemented into the BCM 50/450.
One MAJOR competitor Cisco has 25 ring tones standard and a "in ear" Call Buzz (Which I am sure they copied from Nortel) on their IP phones, whether it is the smaller Key system setup or the large Enterprise set up. All ring tones and call buzz work exactly the same.
I do understand that the migration of the CS1000 dates back to the original SL-1 programming from 1975 and Norstar from 1988, but I think it would make sense to have call managing features such as Call Buzz and Ring Tones to be the same on both softwares.
Does anyone know if Avaya is looking at merging the ring tones? I personally would want to set all of my BCM phones to the CS1000 Number 5 and 6 ring tones, which used to be the defaults on the Meridian 1 ring tones on the M2000 series phones.
Nortel Hobby Chicago Guy
Also the Call Buzz Tone only works on the CS1000 phones and not the BCM. It's quite annoying when you are on another call, especially a headset call and the phone keeps ringing in the background, instead of giving just the quick Call Buzz tone you receive on a CS1000 setup. Headset calls would be greatly improved on the BCM if the Call Buzz could be implemented into the BCM 50/450.
One MAJOR competitor Cisco has 25 ring tones standard and a "in ear" Call Buzz (Which I am sure they copied from Nortel) on their IP phones, whether it is the smaller Key system setup or the large Enterprise set up. All ring tones and call buzz work exactly the same.
I do understand that the migration of the CS1000 dates back to the original SL-1 programming from 1975 and Norstar from 1988, but I think it would make sense to have call managing features such as Call Buzz and Ring Tones to be the same on both softwares.
Does anyone know if Avaya is looking at merging the ring tones? I personally would want to set all of my BCM phones to the CS1000 Number 5 and 6 ring tones, which used to be the defaults on the Meridian 1 ring tones on the M2000 series phones.
Nortel Hobby Chicago Guy