I knew this was coming but I avoided it until now. I have an Access db that started very small and has grown very large. There is a small group of us entering and editing the data, so it is easy to control. Now there are about twenty more people that want access to the data, read only rights. But I can sure that in the next few months, they will want more and more rights.
I have no ability to create and edit network workgroups, thats an IS function and they have already said no. So what is the best way to add and inhibit rights without workgroups. bear in mind there are over 40 forms and around 50 tables.
Thanks ahead of time.
I have no ability to create and edit network workgroups, thats an IS function and they have already said no. So what is the best way to add and inhibit rights without workgroups. bear in mind there are over 40 forms and around 50 tables.
Thanks ahead of time.