When in KDE right clicking in any application does not work. It seems to work fine in GNOME. Also, right clicking the kde desktop is processed by KDE. Any suggestions on how to fix this.
It's just how it works. KDE and Gnome are two different products. It's sort of like saying my favorites works in internet explorer but not in netscape.
Are you talking about the applications on the K menu? If so, the right click ability (from what I know) on the shortcuts hasn't been developed yet, like it has been for some time in GNOME.
Actually, I've now realized that KDE doesn't pass the right click to any applications. Right clicking the desktop of KDE will get you a menu (I think I set that somewhere a long time ago), but right clicking in Mozilla or in Evolution or in anything else I've tried it with doesn't work.
I'd be pretty shocked if KDE simply didn't have this functionality and GNOME did. Also, shouldn't all of this stuff be done by X and not a desktop environment? I guess the answer is it's not, but I thought I'd put forward the question anyways. I believe the mouse wheel and middle click (i.e. clicking the mouse wheel) work fine (I can't remember for sure and I'm at work now).
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