I'm starting to get small horizontal lines appearing on my prints. The laser printer is only a year old and is hardly used that much. As a matter of fact, it still has the original ink cartridges with only the Cyan running a bit low.
I've cleaned it out in accordance to the maintenance tasks in the manual so I don't know what else to look for to solve the problem - figures that it would be just a month out of warranty - bugger.
Anyway I've attached an image link to show the problem. Other then that, it prints perfectley fine.
Here's how the prints come out:
I've cleaned it out in accordance to the maintenance tasks in the manual so I don't know what else to look for to solve the problem - figures that it would be just a month out of warranty - bugger.
Anyway I've attached an image link to show the problem. Other then that, it prints perfectley fine.
Here's how the prints come out: