HTML uses hexidecimal notation. That means that instead of counting from 0 to 9 before moving into two digits, it goes from 0 to 15. 10 to 15, however, are written as A to F. So, to count from 1 to 20 would be something like:
When you have two digits, the first digit represents multiples of 16, just like the first digit in two digit decimal numbers represent multiples of ten.
So, to translate 245 into hex, divide by 16 for the first digit, then use the remainder for the second digit.
ie: 245 divided by 16 = 15 remainder 5.
15 is F. 5 is 5.
So 245 is F5.
Do that for Red, Green and Blue, stick them together in that order, and you have a HTML color:
245 Red, 245 Green, 245 Blue becomes
F5 Red, F5 Green, F5 Blue becomes
If you want to make a 'Web Safe' color, both digits have to be the same, and they have to be either 00, 33, 66, 99, CC or FF. Find one close, and round your values up or down.
although blueark has actually given a lesson on calcualtions .....u might hate me for this....
but NONE OF THIS IS NEEDED when working in Photoshop!
u might not have that handy URL available since ur working on your prject in some coffeee shop or park ;-)
if ur new doc is RGB mode then simply double click on ([][] switch Forground/Background button) foreground color and "Color Picker" window will come up....type in your R,G and B values and #xxxxxx will be genearated for you....and of course works vice versa!
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