Dear All :
we have a requirment to create a Reverse Proxy Like that :
direct the traffic to Server-Host on port 8081 and on folder1
and direct the traffic to Server-Host on port 8082 and on folder2
so that the user when use the address be directed transperantly to Server-Host on port 8081 and on folder1
Apache version 2.2.6
and the Server-Host is hosting Tomcat version 5.5
the application based on Java Scripts ...
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
we have a requirment to create a Reverse Proxy Like that :
direct the traffic to Server-Host on port 8081 and on folder1
and direct the traffic to Server-Host on port 8082 and on folder2
so that the user when use the address be directed transperantly to Server-Host on port 8081 and on folder1
Apache version 2.2.6
and the Server-Host is hosting Tomcat version 5.5
the application based on Java Scripts ...
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]