I am trying to design a website that is phyically one site (in IIS) but it will be accessed from different URLs, to give us 2 or more conceptual sites. Then we will present the site with different branding (colours, logos etc), depending on what URL the user came from.
I have also discovered that when we deploy this site, it will go through a reverse proxy!
So, the client makes the call to the proxy server which then forwards the request to one of two servers in a web farm.
In my test environment, I am not using a proxy server, as I am developing it on my workstation first. I have no test environment which employs a proxy server or web farm, the test servers available to me are single servers without proxys i.e. not a true test at all!
With the local set-up, request.Servervariables("SERVER_NAME"
gives me the correct URL, ie the URL on which I entered the site. So if I enter on "mysite.co.uk" I get the colours and branding for mysite, if I enter on "yoursite.co.uk" I get different colours and branding.
Does anyone know if I can still do this using the reverse proxy? i.e. when the request reaches the web servers on which the code resides, will SERVER_NAME just give the IP addy of the proxy server? or the url on which I came in?
TIA for your any help with this,
I have also discovered that when we deploy this site, it will go through a reverse proxy!
So, the client makes the call to the proxy server which then forwards the request to one of two servers in a web farm.
In my test environment, I am not using a proxy server, as I am developing it on my workstation first. I have no test environment which employs a proxy server or web farm, the test servers available to me are single servers without proxys i.e. not a true test at all!
With the local set-up, request.Servervariables("SERVER_NAME"
Does anyone know if I can still do this using the reverse proxy? i.e. when the request reaches the web servers on which the code resides, will SERVER_NAME just give the IP addy of the proxy server? or the url on which I came in?
TIA for your any help with this,