I have a function that was taken from Nicholas Zakas named "Chunk". When it does it take an array, a function to invoke on each item of the array and a callback to run when complete.
What I would like to do, it to be able to chain another method to the end after the callback to avoid pyramid code.
Rather than:
function() {},
function() {
function() {},
function() {},
I would like to do this:
I can't do this as it invokes the second and third immediately due to the setTimeouts in the chunk function. What I would really like to do is return this only when the setTimeout has completed all it's work. Any ideas on this?
"It doesn't do anything"
"Correction, it DOES nothing
//array: the array of items on which to iterate.
//process: a function which takes a single item (from the array).
//callback: function to carry out when all array items processed.
//config: {object}
// time: milliseconds for timeout period (default: 50).
// context: object on which to invoke "process" (default: null/global).
function chunk(array, process, callback, config) {
//Create local copy of array. We will be altering this through .shift()
//and don't want to alter the array parameter directly.
var items = array.concat();
//Provide defaults for config object in case it has not been passed
//or certain values don't exist on the object.
var time = config.time ? config.time : 50;
var context = config.context ? config.context : null;
var that = this;
//Initial call to snippet which will process a single item from the array.
setTimeout(function snippet() {
//Get first item from the queue.
var item = items.shift();
//Invoke the process function on the context provided (or default).
process.call(context, item);
//If there are any more items, queue up the process for the next item.
if (items.length)
setTimeout(snippet, time)
//When complete, invoke the callback function provided.
else {
}, time);
What I would like to do, it to be able to chain another method to the end after the callback to avoid pyramid code.
Rather than:
function() {},
function() {
function() {},
function() {},
I would like to do this:
I can't do this as it invokes the second and third immediately due to the setTimeouts in the chunk function. What I would really like to do is return this only when the setTimeout has completed all it's work. Any ideas on this?
"It doesn't do anything"
"Correction, it DOES nothing