I've a page the use AJAX to call up some HTML. There is a fair amount of HTML so I break into 50 character per line using server side code and the present it back. I escape the speech marks using \. However, I have some inline javascript and some functions which I think is messing up the returned code. I've listed the code that should get returned to the page. But I hit a javascript error which prevents the page from getting updated
Any advice would really help.
I've a page the use AJAX to call up some HTML. There is a fair amount of HTML so I break into 50 character per line using server side code and the present it back. I escape the speech marks using \. However, I have some inline javascript and some functions which I think is messing up the returned code. I've listed the code that should get returned to the page. But I hit a javascript error which prevents the page from getting updated
Any advice would really help.
var thetable = " "
thetable += "<table class=\"admintable\"><thead> <tr> <th c"
thetable += "lass=\"iconcell\">Ref</th> <th>Description</th>"
thetable += " <th class=\"iconcell\">Date</th> <th class="
thetable += "\"iconcell\">Decision</th> <th class=\"iconcell\">"
thetable += "Edit</th> <th class=\"iconcell\">Delete</th> </tr"
thetable += "></thead> <tr class=\"oddrow\" onMouseOver=\"th"
thetable += "is.className='highlightrow'\" onMouseOut=\"this.cl"
thetable += "assName='oddrow'\"> <td>ref test</td> <td>de"
thetable += "sc test</td> <td>date test</td> <td>decision"
thetable += " test</td> <td>edit</td> <td>Delete</td> </tr> <t"
thetable += "r> <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"ref\" id=\"r"
thetable += "efph\" class=\"inputbox\" /></td> <td><input ty"
thetable += "pe=\"text\" name=\"description\" id=\"descriptionp"
thetable += "h\" class=\"inputbox\" /></td> <td><input type="
thetable += "\"text\" name=\"itemdate\" id=\"itemdateph\" class"
thetable += "=\"inputbox\" /></td> <td><input type=\"text\" "
thetable += "name=\"decision\" id=\"decisionph\" class=\"inputb"
thetable += "ox\" /></td> <td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\""
thetable += "> <input type=\"button\" name=\"submit\" id=\"subm"
thetable += "itph\" value=\"Add Entry\" onClick=\"addPH(); retu"
thetable += "rn false;\" /> </td> </tr></table>"
document.getElementById('tableph').innerHTML = thetable;