Technical User
Hi - I have no hair left and am turning to you for help.
I am running an LDAP query to return all the members of all my groups in AD. Some groups have a description, some don't.
If I add 'description' to my attribute list to return, I only get groups that have a description. If I remove the attribute, I get all of them.
Under no circumstance have I been able to actual write out the description.
Here's my code - see anything glaringly wrong???
ADSIQueryText = "<LDAP://" & ADSINamingNC & ">;(&(objectCategory=group)(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2147483656));name,distinguishedName,description;subtree"
and then...
Output.WriteLine ADSIResult.Fields("distinguishedName").Value & CHR(9) & ADSIResult.Fields("name").Value & CHR(9) & ADSIResult.Fields("description")
is there something weird about the description field that I don't know about?
I have also tried
'if isnull(ADSIResult.Fields("description"))' and
'if len(ADSIResult.Fields("description")) = 0 '
logic to see if it makes a diffence but sadly not...
thanks in advance if you can help
I am running an LDAP query to return all the members of all my groups in AD. Some groups have a description, some don't.
If I add 'description' to my attribute list to return, I only get groups that have a description. If I remove the attribute, I get all of them.
Under no circumstance have I been able to actual write out the description.
Here's my code - see anything glaringly wrong???
ADSIQueryText = "<LDAP://" & ADSINamingNC & ">;(&(objectCategory=group)(groupType:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2147483656));name,distinguishedName,description;subtree"
and then...
Output.WriteLine ADSIResult.Fields("distinguishedName").Value & CHR(9) & ADSIResult.Fields("name").Value & CHR(9) & ADSIResult.Fields("description")
is there something weird about the description field that I don't know about?
I have also tried
'if isnull(ADSIResult.Fields("description"))' and
'if len(ADSIResult.Fields("description")) = 0 '
logic to see if it makes a diffence but sadly not...
thanks in advance if you can help