I must be loosing my mind cause for the life of me I can't get this to work. Here's the deal ... I need to run a stored procedure that can also return a value but heck I can do that just fine, my issue comes when I want to run a stored procedure that takes normal AND output parameters, I can't get it to work ... argggg ;-). I've tried it a couple of ways and when I run a Parameters.Refresh the call will say a parameter is required but it's already there (which is weird). If I leave it out the call runs but I can't get the output parameter. Here's a sample set of some of the code:
Dim oDBCommand
Set oDBCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
oDBCommand.ActiveConnection = Application("DBConnectionString"
oDBCommand.CommandType = &H0004
oDBCommand.CommandText = "CreateNewAccount"
oDBCommand.Parameters.Append oDBCommand.CreateParameter("@AccountPlanID", 3, &H0001, 4, iAccountID)
oDBCommand.Parameters.Append oDBCommand.CreateParameter("AccountID", 3, &H0004)
Any help would be great!
Dim oDBCommand
Set oDBCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command"
oDBCommand.ActiveConnection = Application("DBConnectionString"
oDBCommand.CommandType = &H0004
oDBCommand.CommandText = "CreateNewAccount"
oDBCommand.Parameters.Append oDBCommand.CreateParameter("@AccountPlanID", 3, &H0001, 4, iAccountID)
oDBCommand.Parameters.Append oDBCommand.CreateParameter("AccountID", 3, &H0004)
Any help would be great!