Not sure if this can be done, but can anyone tell me if you can search a records memo field using "Like" and return all the records in the table that contain the parameter? I have a text box on a form where a user will type some of the information he/she is looking for in a records description. He/she will then click a button with the following code behind it:
Dim DescriptionStr As String
If IsNull(Me!Description) Then
DescriptionStr = ""
DescriptionStr = "ReqDescription Like *" & Me!Description & "*"
End If
SqlStr = DescriptionStr
Me![filterFrm].Form.Filter = SqlStr
Me![filterFrm].Form.FilterOn = True
ReqDescription is the name of the field in the table. Me!Description is the text box for user input.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.
Not sure if this can be done, but can anyone tell me if you can search a records memo field using "Like" and return all the records in the table that contain the parameter? I have a text box on a form where a user will type some of the information he/she is looking for in a records description. He/she will then click a button with the following code behind it:
Dim DescriptionStr As String
If IsNull(Me!Description) Then
DescriptionStr = ""
DescriptionStr = "ReqDescription Like *" & Me!Description & "*"
End If
SqlStr = DescriptionStr
Me![filterFrm].Form.Filter = SqlStr
Me![filterFrm].Form.FilterOn = True
ReqDescription is the name of the field in the table. Me!Description is the text box for user input.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.