I have code which is working fine, it's picking up data from the following path:-
path="/category/event[@name='Man U v Arsenal']/type[@name='Match']/@points";
However i need it to pick up all events where 'Arsenal' are involved, not just 'Man U v Arsenal'. So i need a 'like' statement or something. I've tried incorporating 'contains' but to no avail.
I've searched high and low for an answer. Any ideas anyone? It'd be appreciated.
I have code which is working fine, it's picking up data from the following path:-
path="/category/event[@name='Man U v Arsenal']/type[@name='Match']/@points";
However i need it to pick up all events where 'Arsenal' are involved, not just 'Man U v Arsenal'. So i need a 'like' statement or something. I've tried incorporating 'contains' but to no avail.
I've searched high and low for an answer. Any ideas anyone? It'd be appreciated.