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Return an entire row from a range 1

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Apr 27, 2002
I have a form, SearchForm, that has a text box called TicketNumber. Once the button is clicked, I want the value in the text box to be compared to the Column Range called AllTicketNumbers. When it finds a match, I want the entire row output to a worksheet called Search Results. For this case there's only going to be one row returned because each ticket number can only occur once. But, I want to take this code, change the specific names and be able to use it to search other fields. The following code is what I came up with. No errors are found but no results are output either. Any suggestions on what I should change?

For Each cell In Range("AllTicketNumbers")
If cell.Value = SearchForm.TicketNumber.Value Then
lRow = Worksheets("Search Results").Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row
Worksheets("Search Results").Range("A" & lRow + 1).Value = cell.Value.EntireRow
End If
Try this modified version:

For Each cell In Range("AllTicketNumbers")
If cell = SearchForm.TicketNumber Then
lRow = Worksheets("Search Results").Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row
cell.entirerow.copy Worksheets("Search Results").Range("A" & lRow + 1)
End If
Next cell

That code isn't working either. Any other suggestions, Rob or anyone else?
As long as the ticket numbers are unique, you could use something like this (Create the range name "Ticket_Number" for the list of numbers in column "A" and change the hard-coded colum ":F" to what you need):

Sub Macro1()

Sheets("All Ticket Numbers").Select
nRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(SearchForm.TicketNumber.Value, Range("Ticket_Number"), 0)
Range("A" & Trim(nRow) & ":F" & Trim(nRow)).Select
Sheets("Search Results").Select
lRow = Worksheets("Search Results").Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row
Range("A" & Trim(lRow + 1)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub
Tell us how it's not working. Did you put a breakpoint on the line finding the last row in your results sheet, to see if your code ever finds a match?
By the way, you may want to experiment as well with

set cell = range("AllTicketNumbers").find searchform.ticketnumber
if not (cell is nothing) then
(do your copy here)
end if

Here's what's wrong. I used this code below to search through the repair sites:

Private Sub SearchRepairSite_Click()

Dim Counter As Integer
Counter = 0

With Worksheets("Search Results").Range("A2", "J65536")
End With

For Each cell In Range("AllRepairSites")
If cell = SearchForm.RepairSite Then
Counter = Counter + 1
lRow = Worksheets("Search Results").Range("a65356").End(xlUp).Row
cell.EntireRow.Copy Worksheets("Search Results").Range("A" & lRow + 1)
End If
Next cell

Unload Me
Worksheets("Search Results").Visible = True
Worksheets("Search Results").Activate

If Counter = 1 Then
MsgBox "There was 1 result found."
MsgBox "There were " & Counter & " results found."
End If

End Sub

This code works for repair site and job description, both of which have just text in their cells. When I tried to use this code(modified for ticket numbers) which is a just a number, the code doesn't work. The code runs through and each time produces a MsgBox at the end that says There were 0 results found. So there's no errors in the code, but it's not matching up the numbers.
Did you try the .find approach yet? I would also try using the val function, as in:

If cell = val(SearchForm.TicketNumber) Then

to convert the number in the textbox on your userform to a true number.
Adding Val() made it work. Thank you very much. Any ideas on what I would want to add if I am looking at a date?
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