Ok here's the question:
i have a session variable called dbconn which connects to a sql server database.
i need to retrieve its value from a vbscript sub like this:
...somewhere in an asp page...
<script language="vbscript">
sub Retrieve_data
set connection=Session("dbconn"
set RecSet=CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
querystr="Select * from tablename"
RecSet.Open querystr, connection
end sub
this sub is linked with an onchange event of a listbox
user selects a value from the listbox and using the above sub i populate other fields....
the error is in the line:
set connection=Session("dbconn"
it's a type mismatch error but i don't think it's true i think instead the the sub doesn't recognize the session object...
i also think (but maybe i'm wrong) that the matter is something about client-side sub or something like that...
does anyone know how to solve this prob even in a different way (possibly without passing parameter as a submit from other forms)??? it's really important..... (sample code plz)
i have a session variable called dbconn which connects to a sql server database.
i need to retrieve its value from a vbscript sub like this:
...somewhere in an asp page...
<script language="vbscript">
sub Retrieve_data
set connection=Session("dbconn"
set RecSet=CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"
querystr="Select * from tablename"
RecSet.Open querystr, connection
end sub
this sub is linked with an onchange event of a listbox
user selects a value from the listbox and using the above sub i populate other fields....
the error is in the line:
set connection=Session("dbconn"
it's a type mismatch error but i don't think it's true i think instead the the sub doesn't recognize the session object...
i also think (but maybe i'm wrong) that the matter is something about client-side sub or something like that...
does anyone know how to solve this prob even in a different way (possibly without passing parameter as a submit from other forms)??? it's really important..... (sample code plz)