Does anyone know whether it is possible for a VB application running on Windows to fetch rows using a cursor created by a mainframe stored procedure program(which it has just executed). Does anyone have example VB code?
Scenario as follows:
VB app (on Windows) connects to mainframe DB2 and excutes a stored procedure.
The stored procedure runs a SELECT using a cursor to produce a result set of multple rows. It does not FETCH any rows though.
The VB app needs to FETCH the rows to display in a Windows applications.
Can the VB app run an EXEC SQL ASSOCIATE LOCATOR followed by an EXEC ALLOCATE CURSOR then perform the FETCHes?
Scenario as follows:
VB app (on Windows) connects to mainframe DB2 and excutes a stored procedure.
The stored procedure runs a SELECT using a cursor to produce a result set of multple rows. It does not FETCH any rows though.
The VB app needs to FETCH the rows to display in a Windows applications.
Can the VB app run an EXEC SQL ASSOCIATE LOCATOR followed by an EXEC ALLOCATE CURSOR then perform the FETCHes?