Is it possible to create a formula (without using the Previous function), that will capture a previous field, and enable the result of the formula to be passed from the selection criteria to the server. I'm using Crystal 9, ODBC, and a Progress database.
I've attempted to create formulas using variables but they all seem to require whileprintingrecords statements and thus cannot be passed to the database.
If this sounds confusing i'll explain in further detail:
I'm using an in-house call centre application and the data could look like the following:
ID Status
001 No answer
003 No answer
004 Engaged
005 Despatched
007 At Scene
008 Pick-Up
009 Completed
I'm attempting to flag all of the calls previous to, and including, the Despatched status, and retrieving only these records from the database. The ID is an incremented number and thus any numbers higher than the Despatched status can be discarded.
I need to pass the formula to the server as i need to create a number of variable running totals on the groups above this detail line, using fields from detail and group sections.
If anyone can help it'd be greatly appreciated.
Is it possible to create a formula (without using the Previous function), that will capture a previous field, and enable the result of the formula to be passed from the selection criteria to the server. I'm using Crystal 9, ODBC, and a Progress database.
I've attempted to create formulas using variables but they all seem to require whileprintingrecords statements and thus cannot be passed to the database.
If this sounds confusing i'll explain in further detail:
I'm using an in-house call centre application and the data could look like the following:
ID Status
001 No answer
003 No answer
004 Engaged
005 Despatched
007 At Scene
008 Pick-Up
009 Completed
I'm attempting to flag all of the calls previous to, and including, the Despatched status, and retrieving only these records from the database. The ID is an incremented number and thus any numbers higher than the Despatched status can be discarded.
I need to pass the formula to the server as i need to create a number of variable running totals on the groups above this detail line, using fields from detail and group sections.
If anyone can help it'd be greatly appreciated.