Technical User
I just installed eudora6 on the wxp pro pc of our family.
During installation Eudora presented me with the option to enter a data directory. It suggested something like c:\document and settings\MyUser\..., but I changed that into c:\program files\eudora\data. Eudora asked if it should create this dir for me, I said Yes and it did.
On wxp, every member of our family has his/her own account. But we would like to share our mail, but despite the above installation settings eudora leaves the data dir empty, and our family members can not see just their own mail. Nice if everyone would have his/her own mailaccount on our prvider, but we opted to keep things centralized.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Or should we go back to eudora 4.3?
During installation Eudora presented me with the option to enter a data directory. It suggested something like c:\document and settings\MyUser\..., but I changed that into c:\program files\eudora\data. Eudora asked if it should create this dir for me, I said Yes and it did.
On wxp, every member of our family has his/her own account. But we would like to share our mail, but despite the above installation settings eudora leaves the data dir empty, and our family members can not see just their own mail. Nice if everyone would have his/her own mailaccount on our prvider, but we opted to keep things centralized.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Or should we go back to eudora 4.3?