hello all
I am working on a database application that uses VB6 at frontend and oracle9i at the backend. I know how to bind tables fields to the controls on the form and retrieve data using adodc control, but I need to know a way to retrieve information from database table without having to bind it to any control on the form. Preferrably just by running a query and storing the result into a variable. is there a way to do that? your help will be appreciated.
I am working on a database application that uses VB6 at frontend and oracle9i at the backend. I know how to bind tables fields to the controls on the form and retrieve data using adodc control, but I need to know a way to retrieve information from database table without having to bind it to any control on the form. Preferrably just by running a query and storing the result into a variable. is there a way to do that? your help will be appreciated.