I'm working with a macro that connects to and controls an OPC server (OPC = OLE for Process Control) to interact with the control system of a chemical plant. I'd like to run a subroutine that collects process values every few seconds and pushes them down on the spreadsheet. I want the user to still have control to do things while this is happening. I've thought about using the DoEvents statement, but that may require a loop to run continuously in the background which would slow things down and prevent other calculations. Ive also thought about using Application.Wait, but I don't think the user would be able to continue working while the macro waits. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to approach this?
Well, You can try banging your head against the wall, but you just end up with lost-time injuries and damaged equipment. [M. Passman]
Well, You can try banging your head against the wall, but you just end up with lost-time injuries and damaged equipment. [M. Passman]