Does anyone know a way to retreive - platform/browser independently! - data using javascript and php.
The situation is like this: i'm building a page with several basic elements, like textboxes checkboxes etc.
Another - less basic - element, called listview, has a great deal of relevant information, this information is stored in a database and is retreived by php. This retreiving can take some time, because sometimes several JOINs have to be made and that requires a lot of searching.
Anyway, I can set up a php page to generate javascript code, or even the listview html code.
My goal is to load all this data after the whole page is loaded, somewhat like
I tried IFRAME but thats IE only and ILAYER is NS only so these are not gonna work...
Please help
The situation is like this: i'm building a page with several basic elements, like textboxes checkboxes etc.
Another - less basic - element, called listview, has a great deal of relevant information, this information is stored in a database and is retreived by php. This retreiving can take some time, because sometimes several JOINs have to be made and that requires a lot of searching.
Anyway, I can set up a php page to generate javascript code, or even the listview html code.
My goal is to load all this data after the whole page is loaded, somewhat like
<body onLoad="loadForeignData()">
I tried IFRAME but thats IE only and ILAYER is NS only so these are not gonna work...
Please help