I have a query:
which lists:
But I only want the records which have no Buy_Unit_Price
OR the 1st of a set (where a set is for a group of Company, Site, Type_Designator, Part_no, Lot_Batch_no, Serial_No, Qty_OnHand, Std_Cost.
So I would like:
Applications Support
substr(ipis.contract,1,3) Company,
ipc.inventory_value Std_Cost,
(select currency_rate
from currency_rate_tab cr where
from currency_rate_tab cr1 where
cr1.COMPANY=substr(ipis.contract,1,3) and
cr1.CURRENCY_CODE=pol.currency_code and
cr1.CURRENCY_TYPE=pol.currency_type and
cr1.VALID_FROM <= ith.dated
group by cr1.COMPANY,cr1.CURRENCY_CODE,cr1.CURRENCY_TYPE)) currency_rate
ifsapp.inventory_part_in_stock_tab ipis,
ifsapp.inventory_part_tab ip,
ifsapp.inventory_part_config_tab ipc,
ifsapp.inventory_transaction_hist_tab ith,
ifsapp.purchase_order_line_tab pol
ipis.part_no = ip.part_no and
ipis.contract = ip.contract and
ipis.part_no = ipc.part_no and
ipis.contract = ipc.contract and
ith.order_type (+) = 'PUR ORDER' and
ith.part_no (+) = ipis.part_no and
ith.contract (+) = ipis.contract and
ith.lot_batch_no (+) = ipis.lot_batch_no and
ith.serial_no (+) = ipis.serial_no and
pol.order_no (+) = ith.order_no and
pol.line_no (+) = ith.release_no and
pol.release_no (+) = ith.sequence_no and
ipis.qty_onhand > 0 and
ipis.contract like 'OKM%'
and ipis.part_no = '1111718'
order by
ipis.contract, ipis.part_no, ipis.lot_batch_no, ipis.serial_no, receipt_date
which lists:
Company Contract Type_Designation Part_No Lot_Batch_No Serial_No Qty_Onhand Std_Cost Buy_Unit_Price Currency_Rate
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W101262E 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W101401 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W201698 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W201878 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W402318 1 3021.775926 2671.073826 1.49
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W402318 1 3021.775926 2671.073826 1.49
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W402318 1 3021.775926 2671.073826 1.49
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W900144/R 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502661 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502661 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502661 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502662 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502662 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502662 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502672 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502672 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502672 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
But I only want the records which have no Buy_Unit_Price
OR the 1st of a set (where a set is for a group of Company, Site, Type_Designator, Part_no, Lot_Batch_no, Serial_No, Qty_OnHand, Std_Cost.
So I would like:
Company Contract Type_Designation Part_No Lot_Batch_No Serial_No Qty_Onhand Std_Cost Buy_Unit_Price Currency_Rate
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W101262E 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W101401 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W201698 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W201878 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W402318 1 3021.775926 2671.073826 1.49
OKM OKMDM 5 1111718 * W900144/R 1 3021.775926
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502661 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502662 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
OKM OKMMN 5 1111718 * W502672 1 3021.775926 2763.819444 1.45
Applications Support