Problem: I want to move a range of data but using code similar to
I find src_range.Address is changed to match des_range.Address. In some cases my value for des_range is compromized. I want to retain the original definition of src_range.Address. I tried
but found that my address for org_src_range gets changed as well. I'm not a VBA wiz by any means but did come up with this that is working although clunkey. Looking to see if anyone has an opinion on improving it. I know what I need to add should it be called with negative row/col shift vals. But for what there is now, what would work better? Thanks in advance.
src_range.Cut Destionation:=des_range
set org_src_range = src_range
src_range.Cut Destionation:=des_range
Function shift_data_block(cell_ref As Object, _
Optional row_shift As Integer = 0, _
Optional col_shift As Integer = 0) As Boolean
Dim top_left_cell As Object
Dim src_range As Object
Dim des_range As Object
Dim src_rows As Integer, src_cols As Integer
shift_data_block = False
On Error GoTo err_exit
Set src_range = cell_ref
Set des_range = src_range.Offset(row_shift, col_shift)
src_range.Copy Destination:=des_range
' Clear out horizontal component if any
If row_shift > 0 Then
Set top_left_cell = src_range.Range("A1")
src_cols = src_range.Columns.Count
Set des_range = Range(top_left_cell, _
top_left_cell.Offset(row_shift - 1, src_cols - 1))
End If
If col_shift > 0 Then
Set top_left_cell = src_range.Range("A1")
src_rows = src_range.Rows.Count
Set des_range = Range(top_left_cell, _
top_left_cell.Offset(src_rows - 1, col_shift - 1))
End If
shift_data_block = True
Exit Function
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Function