We have a few users that send mail to the "Everyone in the company" distribution list. This is several thousand users. For political reasons, I can't prevent them from doing this.
However, I'd like to make those messages wait until off hours to be sent.
When I worked for Lotus, they had an application called Shutgun that dynamically distributed the messages so that it was sent at better hours and was more efficient in how it handled the addressing.
Has anyone seen something like this for Exchange? [sig]<p> Mike Hillwig<br><a href=mailto:mike@hypermike.com>mike@hypermike.com</a><br><a href= done more R5 deployments than I care to think about.[/sig]
However, I'd like to make those messages wait until off hours to be sent.
When I worked for Lotus, they had an application called Shutgun that dynamically distributed the messages so that it was sent at better hours and was more efficient in how it handled the addressing.
Has anyone seen something like this for Exchange? [sig]<p> Mike Hillwig<br><a href=mailto:mike@hypermike.com>mike@hypermike.com</a><br><a href= done more R5 deployments than I care to think about.[/sig]