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Restricting Incoming Calls 3

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Technical User
Mar 27, 2006
We have a wide area emergency broadcast system(WEBS) with no password protection that needs to be locked down so only a few select emergency people and or recording device/extension can call into it during a crisis to make a public anouncement. We might only need to allow the recording device to call into it because it does have password protection on it. How do I make the WEBS extension only accesible to selected callers and keep the jokers out. Thanks
Internally this can be done using COR's. Put the WEBS extension into a separate COR and then Limit access to that COR to only the select extensions that you choose (configured on pages 3 to 22 on Change COR form). Externally you can restrict access to this extension using a vector that either does an ANI match or prompts for a password that you select before moving on to the next step in the vector.
Thanks for the reply I like the password vectoring idea but I have limited knowledge about it. If you could give me some more detail on what the feilds should say cause nothing jumped out at me when I right clicked the first field on the vector screen... They should really send me to vectoring school:)
Allows 2 attempts of the password to be entered and then disconnects if entries are invalid. Otherwise, routes to WEBS extension:

01 wait-time 0 secs hearing silence
02 collect X digits after announcement XXXX for none (I would recommend at least 4 or more digits, announcement like "please enter your passcode")
03 goto step 10 if digits = (password digits)
04 announcement XXXX (announcement like "you've made an invalid entry")
05 collect X digits after announcement XXXX for none (same as step 2)
06 goto step 10 if digits = XXXX (password)
07 disconnect after announcement XXXX (announcement like "sorry you're having trouble, goodbye")
08 stop
09 route-to number XXXX with cov n if unconditional (WEBS extension)
10 stop

- Stinney

Quoting only proves you know how to cut and paste.
Thank you that was what I needed I have a test vector set up that seems to work well. I think step 6 should be go to step 9 but I got the idea. I didn't know how to ad an announcement but when I did a "li ann" there were some unused ones already in the system so that worked out well. I suppose to keep people from using DID to bypass this I should choose a no DID extension for the WEBS.
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