I notice that the SetFocus method only works when referring to a subform. Referring to a control in a subform, or to a subsubform (which is seen as a control in a subform), or to a control in a subsubform, etc. just isn't working.
Me![Subform].SetFocus - Works!
Me![Subform].Form![Control].SetFocus - 'Does not work
Me![Subform].Form![Subsubform].SetFocus - 'Does not work
Me![Subform].Form![Subsubform].Form![Control].SetFocus - 'Does not work.
Me![Subform].Form![Subsubform].Form![Subsubsubform].SetFocus - 'Does not work
Am I correct in this? Or is there still a way to use SetFocus on a subform control?
Thanks for any insight and advice! Manuel.
I notice that the SetFocus method only works when referring to a subform. Referring to a control in a subform, or to a subsubform (which is seen as a control in a subform), or to a control in a subsubform, etc. just isn't working.
Me![Subform].SetFocus - Works!
Me![Subform].Form![Control].SetFocus - 'Does not work
Me![Subform].Form![Subsubform].SetFocus - 'Does not work
Me![Subform].Form![Subsubform].Form![Control].SetFocus - 'Does not work.
Me![Subform].Form![Subsubform].Form![Subsubsubform].SetFocus - 'Does not work
Am I correct in this? Or is there still a way to use SetFocus on a subform control?
Thanks for any insight and advice! Manuel.