I've just taken a windows 2000 active directory server off line (having backed up and saved system state). I then put a scsi raid controller in it and added a disk (it was a mirrored pair previously on the other scsi board before)
I was "optomistically" hoping that I would be able to install W2K on the new config and then restore the active directory - users and all. However, having rebuilt and reinstalled the restore of the backup had the obvious effect. As it tried to reboot it was looking on the wrong scsi board and couldn't find the boot partition.
It seems to me that this is common requirement. Customer smachine goes down and you need to use whatever hardware you can find to provide a service until the old hardware is replaced or repaired. Really what you want to be able to do is restore the "soft" part of the AD and layer it onto the hardware components.
So... Is there a way around this ???
I was "optomistically" hoping that I would be able to install W2K on the new config and then restore the active directory - users and all. However, having rebuilt and reinstalled the restore of the backup had the obvious effect. As it tried to reboot it was looking on the wrong scsi board and couldn't find the boot partition.
It seems to me that this is common requirement. Customer smachine goes down and you need to use whatever hardware you can find to provide a service until the old hardware is replaced or repaired. Really what you want to be able to do is restore the "soft" part of the AD and layer it onto the hardware components.
So... Is there a way around this ???