Hi Everyone.
Hope someone out there can answer my question.
I have the following code (shortened for easy viewing) in VFP6:
At this point the child window c is no longer shown in window b but has become a parent window displayed near the top of the main screen.
I have checked using wchild() and wparent() and found that all windows are now parents.
Why and how can I return the windows to their original state of a & b being a parent and c a child in window b?
Hopefully yours
Hope someone out there can answer my question.
I have the following code (shortened for easy viewing) in VFP6:
define window a
activate window a
define window b
activate window b
define window c in window b
activate window c
save windows all to c:\savewin
clear windows
restore windows all from c:\savewin
At this point the child window c is no longer shown in window b but has become a parent window displayed near the top of the main screen.
I have checked using wchild() and wparent() and found that all windows are now parents.
Why and how can I return the windows to their original state of a & b being a parent and c a child in window b?
Hopefully yours