I think you would have taken the tar by simply typing the "tar -cvf /dev/rmt0. So whenever you try to restore it will restore to the same path. So create a link with the same name in some other location, extract and unlink the link.
so, whenever I extract the files...it will go to the original path? OK, well I only want to restore one directory on a tape with many directories backed up...I dont want to restore all the directories....wouldnt the tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 grab all the files/directories and restore them? I am not understanding how it works.
Tar uses the path name (or file name you supply when creating the tar-file. So tar -cf <device> /mydir can only be restored into /mydir (or a link as mentioned). Path can be checked with tar -tvf <device>.
You could use tar-cvf <device> ./mydir to avoid the problem.
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