Anyone know where I can find Resources for learingn to build SQL, I have figured the idea behind the SELECT FROM WHERE etc, but all the other is still unknown for me, I would like to be able to build SQL querys for my code, without having to open the query builder then build the Query, chnge to SQL view, and copy it.
And it would be nice to generaly learn SQL.
Also is there some kind of Developer SQL server, like there is Personal Web server, that can handle ASP, so that you don't need IIS for that. does there exist a similar product for SQL?
That was my 25cent** of opinion.
** Inclusive Intrest, tax on interest, Genral tax, Enviromental tax, Tax, and tax on intrest, tax on fees, tax on tax, and other Various taxes and fees.
And it would be nice to generaly learn SQL.
Also is there some kind of Developer SQL server, like there is Personal Web server, that can handle ASP, so that you don't need IIS for that. does there exist a similar product for SQL?
That was my 25cent** of opinion.
** Inclusive Intrest, tax on interest, Genral tax, Enviromental tax, Tax, and tax on intrest, tax on fees, tax on tax, and other Various taxes and fees.