When using a resource file, some of my captions that have to be uppercase, bold, etc. aren't, and the ones that aren't supposed to be bold, are...
This is the code I used:
-->in a global module:
Sub LoadResStrings(frm As Form)
On Error Resume Next
Dim ctl As Control
Dim obj As Object
Dim fnt As Object
Dim sCtlType As String
Dim nVal As Integer
'set the form's caption
frm.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(frm.Tag))
'set the font
Set fnt = frm.Font
'fnt.Bold = False
fnt.Name = LoadResString(20)
fnt.Size = CInt(LoadResString(21))
'set the controls' captions using the caption
'property for menu items and the Tag property
'for all other controls
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
Set ctl.Font = fnt
sCtlType = TypeName(ctl)
If sCtlType = "Label" Then
ctl.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(ctl.Tag))
ElseIf sCtlType = "Menu" Then
ctl.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(ctl.Caption))
ElseIf sCtlType = "TabStrip" Then
For Each obj In ctl.Tabs
obj.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(obj.Tag))
obj.ToolTipText = LoadResString(CInt(obj.ToolTipText))
ElseIf sCtlType = "Toolbar" Then
For Each obj In ctl.Buttons
obj.ToolTipText = LoadResString(CInt(obj.ToolTipText))
ElseIf sCtlType = "ListView" Then
For Each obj In ctl.ColumnHeaders
obj.Text = LoadResString(CInt(obj.Tag))
nVal = 0
nVal = Val(ctl.Tag)
If nVal > 0 Then ctl.Caption = LoadResString(nVal)
nVal = 0
nVal = Val(ctl.ToolTipText)
If nVal > 0 Then ctl.ToolTipText = LoadResString(nVal)
End If
End Sub
-->In every formload: LoadResStrings Me
All the captions are correct, but the fonts aren't...
This is the code I used:
-->in a global module:
Sub LoadResStrings(frm As Form)
On Error Resume Next
Dim ctl As Control
Dim obj As Object
Dim fnt As Object
Dim sCtlType As String
Dim nVal As Integer
'set the form's caption
frm.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(frm.Tag))
'set the font
Set fnt = frm.Font
'fnt.Bold = False
fnt.Name = LoadResString(20)
fnt.Size = CInt(LoadResString(21))
'set the controls' captions using the caption
'property for menu items and the Tag property
'for all other controls
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
Set ctl.Font = fnt
sCtlType = TypeName(ctl)
If sCtlType = "Label" Then
ctl.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(ctl.Tag))
ElseIf sCtlType = "Menu" Then
ctl.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(ctl.Caption))
ElseIf sCtlType = "TabStrip" Then
For Each obj In ctl.Tabs
obj.Caption = LoadResString(CInt(obj.Tag))
obj.ToolTipText = LoadResString(CInt(obj.ToolTipText))
ElseIf sCtlType = "Toolbar" Then
For Each obj In ctl.Buttons
obj.ToolTipText = LoadResString(CInt(obj.ToolTipText))
ElseIf sCtlType = "ListView" Then
For Each obj In ctl.ColumnHeaders
obj.Text = LoadResString(CInt(obj.Tag))
nVal = 0
nVal = Val(ctl.Tag)
If nVal > 0 Then ctl.Caption = LoadResString(nVal)
nVal = 0
nVal = Val(ctl.ToolTipText)
If nVal > 0 Then ctl.ToolTipText = LoadResString(nVal)
End If
End Sub
-->In every formload: LoadResStrings Me
All the captions are correct, but the fonts aren't...