.ini not set up correctly. Spelling errors in the files. EventServeradmin not set up correctly. Files created on a different plaform and FTP'd. Using them where they don't work.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
What if all the resource variables were working properly and suddenly they stopped resolving. Is it due to memory ?
That's what I have observed till now.Just wanted to make sure if thats true.
Thanks eyetry...
we had all the resource variable working properly earlier but sometimes it fails to resolve and again starts working properly.
we havnt change the mrc and mrn files
Thats why wondering if thats an issue with memory as we have large volumes running on the instance.
Could be memory or other resource (threads, handles etc.) What version and what platform? If they start to work again without stopping and restarting the ES, that is really strange. If stopping and restarting is required, it could be memory corruption. Exact version and any patches and OS version etc. are important.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
I've had problems when an msl defined in the mrc is missing. Once that happens we need to stop all services and redeploy the missing system file before it begins working again.
Is the server dedicated or do you have other apps running on it?
Do runmaps continue to work while your event maps are having issues?
If you are running 6.7.1 or older make sure your launcher.txt file is created when you start services and review the file. While some paths will not be resolved in the file most of the network paths should. See what it looks like. It will also tell you if there were issues when you started the compound system.
Another place to look is in the 'dstx_path\logs\' directory. If your version is 7.5 or newer you can not create the launcher.txt file. You'll need to examine these files for the start up summary info.
Thanks guys...
Its very strange that without changing mrn mrc and ini file, why the resource variables would fail to resolve.
They are not working even after we start and stop the launchers.
AIX what version? 6.5. what? There have been many fixes and improvements to this area of the code. Time to plan on your 8.0.x upgrade before 6.5.2 is sunsetted.
If they don't work after a restart, check the time stamps of the files to see if they could have been corrupted after they were deployed. See if they match the time stamps of the .msls.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
Time. Testing that maps produce the output you expect. Use the 8.0 profiler to improve performance, the debugger to fix map's that don't producte the output expected, and the page size/count tool to improve performance. Good time to set up multiple Event Servers and use the multi-process feature withing an ES to keep systems simple and reliable.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
Some have. Older EDI standard trees should be OK, but anything imported would need to be re-imported, especially if the 3rd party application is also being upgraded.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword hurts more!
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