I need to reshape a one dimensional array into three three-dimensional arrays and I wonder how to do this correctly. In the code sample below you can see how the big one dimensional array is formed from the three three-dimensional ones. But now I need to do the opposite operation. Would be nice if someone could give me a hint. Thanks in advance
..... code sample ....
! variables
real (kind = 4), dimension
:: vector_x, vector_y, vector_z
real (kind = 4), dimension
) :: vector_full
integer (kind = 4) :: nx,ny,nz
integer (kind = 4) :: ndfx,ndfy,ndfz,ndf_full
! init
! degrees of freedom
ndfx = (nx-1) * ny * nz
ndfy = nx * (ny-1) * nz
ndfz = nx * ny * (nz-1)
! some computation ...
! memory for big array
ndf_full = ndfx + ndfy + ndfz
! map the three vectors into a single one dimensional array
full_vector( 1:ndfx ) = reshape(vector_x,(/ndfx/))
full_vector( ndfx+1:ndfx+ndfy ) = reshape(vector_y,(/ndfy/))
full_vector(ndfy+ndfx+1:ndfx+ndfy+ndfz) = reshape(vector_z,(/ndfz/))
! some computation ...
! map back into the three three-dimensional arrays
! ????
I need to reshape a one dimensional array into three three-dimensional arrays and I wonder how to do this correctly. In the code sample below you can see how the big one dimensional array is formed from the three three-dimensional ones. But now I need to do the opposite operation. Would be nice if someone could give me a hint. Thanks in advance
..... code sample ....
! variables
real (kind = 4), dimension
real (kind = 4), dimension
integer (kind = 4) :: nx,ny,nz
integer (kind = 4) :: ndfx,ndfy,ndfz,ndf_full
! init
! degrees of freedom
ndfx = (nx-1) * ny * nz
ndfy = nx * (ny-1) * nz
ndfz = nx * ny * (nz-1)
! some computation ...
! memory for big array
ndf_full = ndfx + ndfy + ndfz
! map the three vectors into a single one dimensional array
full_vector( 1:ndfx ) = reshape(vector_x,(/ndfx/))
full_vector( ndfx+1:ndfx+ndfy ) = reshape(vector_y,(/ndfy/))
full_vector(ndfy+ndfx+1:ndfx+ndfy+ndfz) = reshape(vector_z,(/ndfz/))
! some computation ...
! map back into the three three-dimensional arrays
! ????