Dear all,
I've found that I could not connect to databases after I've changed the host name of my machine.
When I login Mysql. the error message prompted:
error 1130: Host 'yyyy' is not allowed to connect to this Mysql server
Then I tried to use host=localhost to login, it worked.
However, when I tried to 'USE' a particular database, this error message prompted :
error 1044: Access denied for user :'@localhost' to databases 'xx'
Besides, I even could not USE the 'mysql' database.
Would you mind telling me how can I solve this problem ? Is there any way to reset the privilege settings of the databases?
Please help !
My environment is as follows :
Linux 7.2
I've found that I could not connect to databases after I've changed the host name of my machine.
When I login Mysql. the error message prompted:
error 1130: Host 'yyyy' is not allowed to connect to this Mysql server
Then I tried to use host=localhost to login, it worked.
However, when I tried to 'USE' a particular database, this error message prompted :
error 1044: Access denied for user :'@localhost' to databases 'xx'
Besides, I even could not USE the 'mysql' database.
Would you mind telling me how can I solve this problem ? Is there any way to reset the privilege settings of the databases?
Please help !
My environment is as follows :
Linux 7.2