I have read with great interest several posts on this board concerning this topic. I am still unclear on the following point and was hoping someone could guide me.
I wish to reset my Partner Mail V1.8 back to the origional factory defaults. Not just the admin password, but the whole system, voice prompts and all.
Someone said that this could be done at the console using Com1, Ctrl-c and an init command but I am unclear on this. I know that Avaya can do it for a mere $150 per hour or so, but I was hoping I could do it myself with a little help from this board. Any ideas here?
I wish to reset my Partner Mail V1.8 back to the origional factory defaults. Not just the admin password, but the whole system, voice prompts and all.
Someone said that this could be done at the console using Com1, Ctrl-c and an init command but I am unclear on this. I know that Avaya can do it for a mere $150 per hour or so, but I was hoping I could do it myself with a little help from this board. Any ideas here?