I have a 3x8 that was in use for a while then moth balled for about a year.
Now that it is back in service I can not get in to some of the config areas.
I was trying to do a factory reset in hopes that would clear up the problem. After searching for some information, the only thing i came apon was to go to **startup and erase there. Did that still cant get into the menus.
Tried **debug that doesn't work either.
Before it was mothballed it transmitted caller id information to the sets. Now it no longer does.
When I go in to the ** config menu my only options are
1 Lines
2 Sets
3 Call Handling
4 Restrictions
5 Overrides
(It also doesn't ask for a password)
**Admin give me the following
1 Sys Speed Dial
2 Names
3 Time and Date
I opened up the KSU in hopes of finding a battery. None found. Guess it uses a cap to keep the config information.
I was also trying to figure out what software version it was running. Everythign I found pointed to a menu I cant access.
Any ideas?
Now that it is back in service I can not get in to some of the config areas.
I was trying to do a factory reset in hopes that would clear up the problem. After searching for some information, the only thing i came apon was to go to **startup and erase there. Did that still cant get into the menus.
Tried **debug that doesn't work either.
Before it was mothballed it transmitted caller id information to the sets. Now it no longer does.
When I go in to the ** config menu my only options are
1 Lines
2 Sets
3 Call Handling
4 Restrictions
5 Overrides
(It also doesn't ask for a password)
**Admin give me the following
1 Sys Speed Dial
2 Names
3 Time and Date
I opened up the KSU in hopes of finding a battery. None found. Guess it uses a cap to keep the config information.
I was also trying to figure out what software version it was running. Everythign I found pointed to a menu I cant access.
Any ideas?