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Research advise on networking

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Jul 13, 1999
I am with a company that is about to grow a great deal in a short amount of time.  The plan has been to set up a vpn between the offices but that was before we realized that we were going to grow exponentially in 1 to 2 years.  In any event the vpn is not a solution for that size network with that rate of growth.  Can anyone recommend some resources to give a good cost analysis and feature description of the different types of WAN technologies?
bazed on what little i know, what you should do is...<br><br>-KONSIDER YER KNEEDZ!!!&nbsp;&nbsp;What kind ov data traffick is going to be flowing; emmailez and downloadz from a serva here and a servea dare? If that iz the case, i wood look into you options in terms of a [full or, for less $$$$$, a fractional] T-1 fer now, but leaving room for you to upgrade to a T-3 in the future.&nbsp;&nbsp;In the other extreme, if&nbsp;&nbsp;Video conferencing, graphic intensive programs, are going to be running applications off of servers located on different networksz, that changes de angle ov attack.&nbsp;&nbsp;In such a case i might recommmend ATM to support such a task.&nbsp;&nbsp;FDDI is well like by lotz ov pplz too, but i have read to believe dat FDDI is giving whay to ATM and other fast WAN linkz such as SMDS. <br><br>-HOW MUCH $$$$$ CHEW GOT TO SPEND????&nbsp;&nbsp;That iz a huge consideration when it comez down to, let's say, leasing a fractional T-1 line, or a full blown T-3.<br><br>-WHAT IZ YER FAVORITE COLOR??&nbsp;&nbsp;I dont have to tell you, cables probable wont match yer office (unless your walls are, maybee...painted in frozen-orange-garden-hoze color).&nbsp;&nbsp;Unfourtunatly, with technology moving at the speed ov time, it iz hard for, i dare say, all companiez to keep up wid the speed of changing technology.&nbsp;&nbsp;Cable producers are no exception!&nbsp;&nbsp;There are, however, underground splice-shopz, where they can paint your cable runz almost any color you choose and throw a couple clear coatz and fingerprint-retarder to keep your runz looking like they just stepped out ov a salon.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have heard of huge enterprizes having done this overnight.<br><br>-STREAMING SMUT&nbsp;&nbsp;i wood HIGHLY refrain frum offering such service in this day and age.<br><br>i hope diz helpz, and makes sumeone at leazt lol.&nbsp;&nbsp;%&@#!!!! i spent 10 freekin minz on it<br><br>respekt to all and i am sorry if streaming smut offended anyone (which iz anudder reazon it SHOULD NOT be allowed in da whork plaze)
hi there, can frame relay support 100 sales offices around the world and why it can do it..

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