Has anyone had any luck purging a large database with unpurged checks. My database has gotten up to 4gb. I've attempted clearing the totals, but I had to stop waiting after an hour and a half, and get the store back online. Any ideas?
It's going to depend on why your checks aren't purging. Is there something stuck or has the purge just not been running? Micros only gets rid of 10 days at a time, so if it hasn't been running you just have a lot of catching up to do.
If you're ok with just clearing totals your best bet is to do it overnight. 4G is huge for a Micros database, the largest one I have is 1.1G and that's in Times Square with a tremendous transaction volume.
You're going to have to run a rebuild once you're done purging or clearing totals. Those will null out the tables but not necessarily delete all the lines. Running a rebuild will kill the bloat in your tables.
As Pmegan suggests find the cause of the checks not purging. Do a reboot which should clear up anything hanging the purge process then run the purge history procedure in dbisql. You can keep the database running and the FOH terminals going....they might just be a bit slow. It can take hours and hours to clear up but they should purge out. Just let it run.
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