Using Access 2000
To keep it simple, I am going to try to do this by not using the actual form and subform names.
On a form is a subform. Let's call it fsubA
fsubA has 2 nested subforms, fsubB and fsubC
When the user goes to fsubA, the first field is a Date field. Back in the table, this field is "required."
Providing the user makes an entry in that field everything goes fine. However, I am trying to cover the possibility of his simply clicking into one of the subforms, fsubB or fsubC, without entering a date. Then when he goes to save the record, everything goes away in fsubA and orphaned stuff gets left in the two nested subforms.
For whatever reason, the field being set as "required" in the subform has no effect.
The problem is also that I can't set a default value for that date field, as then if I add a new record in the main form an error occurs because the main form thinks a record is already in fsubA
What I am trying to do is cover all the possible pitfalls here.
To keep it simple, I am going to try to do this by not using the actual form and subform names.
On a form is a subform. Let's call it fsubA
fsubA has 2 nested subforms, fsubB and fsubC
When the user goes to fsubA, the first field is a Date field. Back in the table, this field is "required."
Providing the user makes an entry in that field everything goes fine. However, I am trying to cover the possibility of his simply clicking into one of the subforms, fsubB or fsubC, without entering a date. Then when he goes to save the record, everything goes away in fsubA and orphaned stuff gets left in the two nested subforms.
For whatever reason, the field being set as "required" in the subform has no effect.
The problem is also that I can't set a default value for that date field, as then if I add a new record in the main form an error occurs because the main form thinks a record is already in fsubA
What I am trying to do is cover all the possible pitfalls here.