I got two frames in my htm page. Left frame consists of combo box with below code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function mainCatChange(){
<form action="" method="post" name="form1" font=courier new >
<select id="cmbCategory" name="cmbCategory" onchange="mainCatChange()">
<option value=0>Select Category</option>
<%Do Until rs.EOF %>
<option value=<%response.write rs("ItemCatSID"%>><%response.write rs("ItemCatName"%></option>
<% rs.MoveNext
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
</select><input type=hidden value=0 name="SelectedCat">
In my main frame, i request for the value of combo box by following code :
ItemCat = Request("cmbCategory"
response.write ItemCat
set TTHDB = server.createobject("ADODB.connection"
TTHDB.open "dsn=tthweb;uid=in;pwd=gvp"
set rstFile = TTHDB.execute("SELECT * FROM tblItem"
When I response.write the ItemCat, it return me blank. I dont know what wrong with my code..please help because I spend my whole day debugging the code.
I got two frames in my htm page. Left frame consists of combo box with below code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function mainCatChange(){
<form action="" method="post" name="form1" font=courier new >
<select id="cmbCategory" name="cmbCategory" onchange="mainCatChange()">
<option value=0>Select Category</option>
<%Do Until rs.EOF %>
<option value=<%response.write rs("ItemCatSID"%>><%response.write rs("ItemCatName"%></option>
<% rs.MoveNext
Set rs = Nothing
Set con = Nothing
</select><input type=hidden value=0 name="SelectedCat">
In my main frame, i request for the value of combo box by following code :
ItemCat = Request("cmbCategory"
response.write ItemCat
set TTHDB = server.createobject("ADODB.connection"
TTHDB.open "dsn=tthweb;uid=in;pwd=gvp"
set rstFile = TTHDB.execute("SELECT * FROM tblItem"
When I response.write the ItemCat, it return me blank. I dont know what wrong with my code..please help because I spend my whole day debugging the code.