I am new to this forum and was wondering if someone could help me with setting a Range object to a named range in vbscript.
In Excel I have named a group of contiguous cells (B3:E6) with the range name "le_adm_rng". I have tried various constructs in vbscript to set a Range object to this named range, none of which are working. I have included those examples in the code below.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the script:
' Purpose: Update the raw data worksheet in a spreadsheet with data from a csv file
' Input:
' Excel: Name of excel spreadsheet to be updated
' Worksheet: Name of worksheet to update
' Csv: Name of csv file from which data will be copied
' Example:
' cscript updExcelData.vbs /excel
ce_100k_template.xls /worksheet:le_b /csv:list_element_admin.csv
' Constants
Const xlAppStr = "Excel.Application"
excelFileName = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("Excel")
csvFileName = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("CSV")
worksheetName = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("Worksheet")
' Connect to Excel
Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelRunning = IsAppRunning(xlAppStr)
If ExcelRunning Then
Set xlApp = GetObject(, xlAppStr)
Set xlApp = CreateObject(xlAppStr)
End If
' Open or create the excel file to modify
Set FSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
excelFileName = FSObj.GetAbsolutePathName(excelFileName)
If FSObj.FileExists(excelFileName) Then
xlApp.Workbooks.Open excelFileName
Set editWB = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook
Set editWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
editWB.SaveAs excelFileName
End If
Set editOrigWS = editWB.ActiveSheet
Set editWND = xlApp.ActiveWindow
' Create/Update the worksheet with the CSV file data
csvFileName = FSObj.GetAbsolutePathName(csvFileName)
xlApp.Workbooks.Open csvFileName
Set rawWB = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook
Set objFrRange = rawWB.ActiveSheet.Range("A1
Set editWS = FindWorksheet(editWB, worksheetName)
' -----This is the original code and this works fine, I would like to replace the B3:E26 with a named range
Set objToRange = editWS.Range("B3:E26")
' -----Here are the examples of what I have tried that didn't work
' ----- Set objToRange = editWS.Range("le_adm_rng")
' ----- Set objToRange = editWS.Range.Name("le_adm_rng")
' ----- Set objToRange = editWB.Names("le_adm_rng")
' ----- Set objToRange = editWB.Names.Range.Name("le_adm_rng")
objToRange.PasteSpecial -4163,-4142,False,False
editWB.Close True
Set editWB = Nothing
rawWB.Close True
Set rawWB = Nothing
If Not ExcelRunning Then xlApp.Quit
Set xlApp = Nothing
Function IsAppRunning(app)
Dim xlApp
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject(, app)
IsExcelRunning = (Err.Number = 0)
Set xlApp = Nothing
End Function
' Find or create the worksheet
Function FindWorksheet (workbook, wsName)
ws = Empty
For Each w In workbook.Worksheets
If w.Name = wsName Then
Set ws = w
Exit For
End If
If IsEmpty(ws) Then
Set ws = workbook.Worksheets.Add
ws.Name = wsName
End If
Set FindWorksheet = ws
End Function
I am new to this forum and was wondering if someone could help me with setting a Range object to a named range in vbscript.
In Excel I have named a group of contiguous cells (B3:E6) with the range name "le_adm_rng". I have tried various constructs in vbscript to set a Range object to this named range, none of which are working. I have included those examples in the code below.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is the script:
' Purpose: Update the raw data worksheet in a spreadsheet with data from a csv file
' Input:
' Excel: Name of excel spreadsheet to be updated
' Worksheet: Name of worksheet to update
' Csv: Name of csv file from which data will be copied
' Example:
' cscript updExcelData.vbs /excel
' Constants
Const xlAppStr = "Excel.Application"
excelFileName = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("Excel")
csvFileName = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("CSV")
worksheetName = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("Worksheet")
' Connect to Excel
Set ExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelRunning = IsAppRunning(xlAppStr)
If ExcelRunning Then
Set xlApp = GetObject(, xlAppStr)
Set xlApp = CreateObject(xlAppStr)
End If
' Open or create the excel file to modify
Set FSObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
excelFileName = FSObj.GetAbsolutePathName(excelFileName)
If FSObj.FileExists(excelFileName) Then
xlApp.Workbooks.Open excelFileName
Set editWB = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook
Set editWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
editWB.SaveAs excelFileName
End If
Set editOrigWS = editWB.ActiveSheet
Set editWND = xlApp.ActiveWindow
' Create/Update the worksheet with the CSV file data
csvFileName = FSObj.GetAbsolutePathName(csvFileName)
xlApp.Workbooks.Open csvFileName
Set rawWB = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook
Set objFrRange = rawWB.ActiveSheet.Range("A1
Set editWS = FindWorksheet(editWB, worksheetName)
' -----This is the original code and this works fine, I would like to replace the B3:E26 with a named range
Set objToRange = editWS.Range("B3:E26")
' -----Here are the examples of what I have tried that didn't work
' ----- Set objToRange = editWS.Range("le_adm_rng")
' ----- Set objToRange = editWS.Range.Name("le_adm_rng")
' ----- Set objToRange = editWB.Names("le_adm_rng")
' ----- Set objToRange = editWB.Names.Range.Name("le_adm_rng")
objToRange.PasteSpecial -4163,-4142,False,False
editWB.Close True
Set editWB = Nothing
rawWB.Close True
Set rawWB = Nothing
If Not ExcelRunning Then xlApp.Quit
Set xlApp = Nothing
Function IsAppRunning(app)
Dim xlApp
On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = GetObject(, app)
IsExcelRunning = (Err.Number = 0)
Set xlApp = Nothing
End Function
' Find or create the worksheet
Function FindWorksheet (workbook, wsName)
ws = Empty
For Each w In workbook.Worksheets
If w.Name = wsName Then
Set ws = w
Exit For
End If
If IsEmpty(ws) Then
Set ws = workbook.Worksheets.Add
ws.Name = wsName
End If
Set FindWorksheet = ws
End Function