hello All
I hope you can help me on this
i need a simple way to tell the report to go to the next page (horizontally speaking) when he gets to a certain field
in fact assume i have these fields
beg end time chrono set
i want my report to show
beg end time on a page
and chrono set on the next page
how can i specify in the module that the report goes to next page if he finds the field Chrono
thank you in advance
I hope you can help me on this
i need a simple way to tell the report to go to the next page (horizontally speaking) when he gets to a certain field
in fact assume i have these fields
beg end time chrono set
i want my report to show
beg end time on a page
and chrono set on the next page
how can i specify in the module that the report goes to next page if he finds the field Chrono
thank you in advance