Hello, I added code from the below Microsoft article to get users default printer setting of A4 to show. It works fine but my users report that they
randomly(let's say every 30 time they run a report) get access error message and then have to restart the application. Is there anything wrong with my
code below?
Private Sub PrintDetailList_Click()
sRoutine = "PrintDetailList_Click"
gError.AddRoutine smodule, sRoutine
On Error GoTo Err_Routine
'*************************** ACTIVE CODE ******************************
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sParam As String
Dim qryName As String
sSQL = "psp_InvoiceSearchReport "
sParam = vbNullString
sParam = spAddParameter(sParam, Me.PODetailID, "Number")
sParam = spAddParameter(sParam, Me.EntityID, "Number")
spReturnProcedure sSQL & sParam & ", 2"
qryName = "spExecute"
Dim rpt As Access.Report
Dim prtr As Access.Printer
Set Application.Printer = Nothing
Set prtr = Application.Printer
prtr.Orientation = acPRORLandscape
DoCmd.OpenReport "rInvoiceDetailSearchDetails", acViewPreview, qryName
Set rpt = Reports("rInvoiceDetailSearchDetails")
Set rpt.Printer = prtr
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
gError.SetError Err, smodule, sRoutine
Resume Exit_Routine
End Sub
randomly(let's say every 30 time they run a report) get access error message and then have to restart the application. Is there anything wrong with my
code below?
Private Sub PrintDetailList_Click()
sRoutine = "PrintDetailList_Click"
gError.AddRoutine smodule, sRoutine
On Error GoTo Err_Routine
'*************************** ACTIVE CODE ******************************
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sParam As String
Dim qryName As String
sSQL = "psp_InvoiceSearchReport "
sParam = vbNullString
sParam = spAddParameter(sParam, Me.PODetailID, "Number")
sParam = spAddParameter(sParam, Me.EntityID, "Number")
spReturnProcedure sSQL & sParam & ", 2"
qryName = "spExecute"
Dim rpt As Access.Report
Dim prtr As Access.Printer
Set Application.Printer = Nothing
Set prtr = Application.Printer
prtr.Orientation = acPRORLandscape
DoCmd.OpenReport "rInvoiceDetailSearchDetails", acViewPreview, qryName
Set rpt = Reports("rInvoiceDetailSearchDetails")
Set rpt.Printer = prtr
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
gError.SetError Err, smodule, sRoutine
Resume Exit_Routine
End Sub