I read code many years ago that fed Access reports to a web page but it required installing Access in the web server and I thought the whole solution was kludgy.
As you are a web developer, you might feel more comfortable creating ASP pages as reports.
Duane MS Access MVP
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Do you want dynamic reporting? Can you create scheduled reports rendered to PDF and then linked to web pages? Do your reports have to be Access reports? Do you have specifications that require Access reports?
Duane MS Access MVP
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The reports do have to be dynamic reports. Access will automatically create a dynamic report which is nothing more than a dump of the entire database (export, type as .asp)
What I need are MTD and YTD reports. I would think one would be able to create a report in access and call that report just like using a stored proceedure.
I doubt your ISP will install Access on their server for you. If Access is not installed on the web server then I don't think there is any way that you can create an Access report from the web page.
You stated "What I need are MTD and YTD reports". This can be done with ASP and probably made easier and prettier with a development tool like FrontPage or Dreamweaver.
Duane MS Access MVP
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Yeah, this particular ISP (winsave/affinity), although BIG, is really pretty inept. For the most part their tech support is completely clueless (I was told at one point that the server I was on didn't support perl even though I had perlscripts running! LOL) If you go to their support bbs its 1000 entries of pure porn!
In any event, access databases are all thats supported. No .net, no report server, no php. You get asp and basic perl - period. I get ODBC and thats it.
I looked around for a report generator that would create the asp code and was shocked not to find one!
Duane MS Access MVP
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Actually, I rooted around and found a pretty good tool (ASP Report Maker) for cheap (<$150) that does a bang up job! I have cranked out two reports so far this morning while hand coding would have taken more than a day per.
Thanks for finding this app. It looks quite functional for the price which looks to be about $50.
Duane MS Access MVP
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I have already found one report it can't do but that's kind of an odd report so I'm not really surprised but for all the generic reporting stuff it should be quite nice.
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