I have a bunch of reports that always worked fine. They are crystal reports version 8, and I run them off the web using Recrystallize. When I upgraded my server to Windows Server 2003, all the reports stopped working. The report veiwer comes up in IE, and no error is reported, but the report does not come up. The .RPT files all still work fine. Here is what I know so far:
1) Recrystallize claims I need the developer version of Crystal, which I do not have. The old server did not have this either. I am using the same version same CD and everything.
2)The database locations have not changed.
3) I opened up the permissions to the data to EVERYONE and it still did not work.
Can anyone help me with this?
1) Recrystallize claims I need the developer version of Crystal, which I do not have. The old server did not have this either. I am using the same version same CD and everything.
2)The database locations have not changed.
3) I opened up the permissions to the data to EVERYONE and it still did not work.
Can anyone help me with this?