hello again
i really need your help in this
i know this might sound very silly question, but i don't know much about reports, and vba codingof reports
my question is this:
first: when we create a report using vba, not all sections appears, in fact it is missing report header (page header is there), so how can i specify thati want as well report header and footer
Second: how can i say thati want to create a control in the report header, or in the page header, or in the details section?
for example
i have the title "ctlEtiquetteTitreList_" and i want to put it in report header, so what od i say
third question: i am writing this code, and well the textbox list_Y is repeated 4 times, in the acview mode, how come?
i would really prreciate your responses
thank you in advance
Lina Chebli
Function FDynaReport()
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim rprt As Report
Dim ctlEtiquetteTitreList_ As Control
Dim rprtname As String
Set rprt = CreateReport
rprt.RecordSource = "ListY"
rprt.Caption = "List_Y"
rprtname = rprt.Name
Set ctlEtiquetteTitreList_ = CreateReportControl(rprt.Name, acLabel, , "", "", XEtiquette_, YEtiquette_)
With ctlEtiquetteTitreList_
.Width = 1550
.Height = 300
.Name = "List_Y"
.Caption = " List_Y"
End With
end function
i really need your help in this
i know this might sound very silly question, but i don't know much about reports, and vba codingof reports
my question is this:
first: when we create a report using vba, not all sections appears, in fact it is missing report header (page header is there), so how can i specify thati want as well report header and footer
Second: how can i say thati want to create a control in the report header, or in the page header, or in the details section?
for example
i have the title "ctlEtiquetteTitreList_" and i want to put it in report header, so what od i say
third question: i am writing this code, and well the textbox list_Y is repeated 4 times, in the acview mode, how come?
i would really prreciate your responses
thank you in advance
Lina Chebli
Function FDynaReport()
Dim db As Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim rprt As Report
Dim ctlEtiquetteTitreList_ As Control
Dim rprtname As String
Set rprt = CreateReport
rprt.RecordSource = "ListY"
rprt.Caption = "List_Y"
rprtname = rprt.Name
Set ctlEtiquetteTitreList_ = CreateReportControl(rprt.Name, acLabel, , "", "", XEtiquette_, YEtiquette_)
With ctlEtiquetteTitreList_
.Width = 1550
.Height = 300
.Name = "List_Y"
.Caption = " List_Y"
End With
end function