To build reports i use querys as source, however i do not build themin acces, i simply copy the query result and paste it in excel. Moslty i'm using crosstab querys, and as columns i have a field that can always change values. So after i copy the results in an excel, to have the final results sometime i must cut some rows, columns and rebuild some formulas.
In the reports built i don't have to do all this stuff and it's a lot faster, however i'm building the reports in excel for some particulary reasons :
1) Conditional formating : I'm doing an average value in excel, and them i'm comparing the basic values with the average, what is under the average shows un in red, what is higher in green. Can i somehow do that in acces?
2) My boss won't use acces and i always have to send the reports using outlook. Can i somehow transform the acces reports in a certain format so someone who dosen't use acces can read them? (i don't like to print them and show them on paper cause because he needs to see them from home and other places).
Hope someone can give me a clear answer on that.
To build reports i use querys as source, however i do not build themin acces, i simply copy the query result and paste it in excel. Moslty i'm using crosstab querys, and as columns i have a field that can always change values. So after i copy the results in an excel, to have the final results sometime i must cut some rows, columns and rebuild some formulas.
In the reports built i don't have to do all this stuff and it's a lot faster, however i'm building the reports in excel for some particulary reasons :
1) Conditional formating : I'm doing an average value in excel, and them i'm comparing the basic values with the average, what is under the average shows un in red, what is higher in green. Can i somehow do that in acces?
2) My boss won't use acces and i always have to send the reports using outlook. Can i somehow transform the acces reports in a certain format so someone who dosen't use acces can read them? (i don't like to print them and show them on paper cause because he needs to see them from home and other places).
Hope someone can give me a clear answer on that.