Background: We are migrating a legacy PC-based client/server system to a web system. We are building reports using Reports 9.0.4. The legacy system stored miscellaneous notes data in .rtf format in a LONG column in the database. The data has been migrated to the new system and is currently being stored as CLOB. The display of the data in the CLOB field shows the RTF contol groups and words which is not desired. We have the control to modify the migration process to store this data is a different way (e.g. BLOBs, even BFILEs) if that is advantageous. We have considered stripping out the .rtf formatting controls as a fallback plan but the customer would like to retain that formatting.
Question: Is there a way to display the .rtf data stored in a database column in a report while retaining the .rtf formatting?