I am using Crystal 9 and Crystal Enterprise.
There's a report I've set up to prompt for begin and end date to obtain info for the previous month.
This is fine if doing it manually, but I'd like to set it for automatic output to recipients using Crystal Enterprise.
Is there a formula, etc that I can use so that once it runs it pulls data from the previous month regardless of days in the month i.e. February 1-28? I'll be running it on the 1st of each month.
Thanks very much and I appreciate anyone's assistance with this.
I am using Crystal 9 and Crystal Enterprise.
There's a report I've set up to prompt for begin and end date to obtain info for the previous month.
This is fine if doing it manually, but I'd like to set it for automatic output to recipients using Crystal Enterprise.
Is there a formula, etc that I can use so that once it runs it pulls data from the previous month regardless of days in the month i.e. February 1-28? I'll be running it on the 1st of each month.
Thanks very much and I appreciate anyone's assistance with this.